Here’s How I Modified My AR15 Pistol Build

I wanted the perfect handguard. If it exists, it costs money, but this project didn’t cost me a dime. Here's how I modified my AR15 Pistol Build.

Custom Grips and Accessories: Got Wood?

AR 15 wood furniture isn't terribly common (and maybe not particularly practical), but its proponents are increasing - and properly done it sure looks good! Check out the artisans at Indignant Arms and Blackwood Trading Company.

Chapter 28: Surviving Civil Unrest and Riots

Chapter 28 (Surviving Civil Unrest and Riots) is just one of about three dozen reasons you should check out "Choose Adventure" by Greg Ellifritz.

Home Invasion: Tactical Decision Games for home defense

You run fire drills with the kids, talk through handling severe weather, but have you considered Tactical Decision Games for a home invasion or burglar? Does everyone know what to do if things go sideways, or if you're in proximity to urban unrest?

Defensive Firearm Modifications, My Philosophy

In a perfect world guns would come perfect from the factory, but it doesn't quite work that way. Let's talk gun modifications to defensive firearms.

Bullpup Scorpion Kit – Shrink Your PCC

The CZ Scorpion is a popular PCC, but did you know you can bullpup it? The new Bullpup Scorpion kit from Manticore Arms does just that.

Custom Glock 19X Division Style: the “Primary Secondary”

This customized Glock 19X is Frank Woods' first choice for a secondary weapon. In daylight, darkness or under night vision, it's ready to rock.

Double Feed for Training

Here's how to set up a real double feed for training so you can clear the malfunction efficiently. Next time you're at the range try it out.

How to hold a pistol: Handgun Grip

A proper pistol grip helps with recoil mitigation; this reduces recoil anticipation, thus reducing the amount of "jump" that occurs when firing.

Point Shooting: how to train for it with Larry Vickers

Point shooting: do you know how to do it, why to do it, and when you might have to do it? Larry Vickers explains how to train for "point shooting".

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