Large Capacity Magazine Exemptions
This program does not offer special pricing at Many states with large capacity magazine restrictions legislated conditions under which certain groups may still purchase and possess large-capacity magazines. GunMag Warehouse may grant the ability to order large-capacity magazines on our website when sent documentation to support an exception. All such approved exemptions expire annually, or sooner if your documentation expires in less than 1 year. We do this to ensure compliance with ongoing large-capacity magazine restrictions.
How to Request an Exemption
Please follow these instructions to apply for an exemption or reapply your expired exemption:
First-time exemption request instructions:
- If you’ve not already done so, create an account at
- Update your account to include your current billing and shipping addresses.
- Email [email protected] pictures of your supporting documentation.
- Please use the same email registered to create your account or mention the email address associated with your account in this email.
- We cannot accept xerox copies or scans of ID cards.
Exemption Reinstatement Instructions:
- Email [email protected] pictures of your supporting documentation.
- Please use the same email registered to create your account or mention the email address associated with your account in this email.
- We cannot accept xerox copies or scans of ID cards.
Law Enforcement
For purchases as an individual, active law enforcement officers (local, state, or federal) are eligible to purchase otherwise restricted magazines in many states that impose magazine restrictions based on capacity. Active LEOs should provide photos of the front and back of their LEO ID when applying for an exemption.
- Exemptions are only available within these locations: CA, CO, CT, DE, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ , NY, RI, & VT.
Note: NJ imposes a 17-round restriction on LEOs, unless purchasing magazines for an issued weapon. As we’re unable to verify what weapons a department issued, we cannot allow the sale of over 17-round magazines even with this exemption.
- The District of Columbia and WA state do not provide an exception for individual LEOs, only their respective agencies.
Active-Duty Service Members
Some states have provided exceptions for purchases as an individual by active-duty service members. These individuals should provide photos of the front and back of their military ID when applying for an exemption.
- Exemptions are available within these locations: CA, CO, CT, NY, & RI.
- Exemptions are available within the state of NY for service members of the following branches only: US Air Force, US Army, US Coast Guard, US Marines (and reserves), & US Navy. Persons in the military service of the state of New York when duly authorized by regulations issued by the adjutant general to possess large capacity magazines.
- As defined by state legislation, we may not grant this exemption to service members in the state of CA unless they are legally designated a peace officer; including activated members of the CA National Guard.
Retired Law Enforcement
Some states have provided exceptions for purchases as an individual by retired law enforcement officers. These individuals should provide photos of the front and back of their Retired LEO ID when applying for an exemption. We cannot accept a LEOSA ID as acceptable documentation to show your previous role in law enforcement. We need a department/state issued ID which confirms your former role.
- Retired LEO exemptions are only available within these states: CA, DE, IL, MD, RI, & VT.
- Retired officers in IL that reside within Cook County are disqualified from this exemption by local ordinances within Cook County.
- Retired officers in NJ technically qualify for an expanded capacity of 15-round magazines, but we’re unable to offer those exemptions due to system limitations.
Reserve Law Enforcement
Only CA and VT have provided exceptions for purchases as an individual by reserve LEOs. These individuals should provide photos of the front and back of their valid LEO ID when applying for an exemption.
Federal Firearms License Holders
Many states have provided exceptions for purchases by a business when the business holds a valid FFL license. Type 3 (Collector) and 6 (Manufacturer of Ammunition) FFL holders do not qualify for this exemption.
- Exemptions are available within the following states: CA, CO, CT, DE, MD, NJ, NY, RI, VT, & WA.
- When applying for this exemption, please provide photos of your current FFL paperwork.
- If applying from CA, you must also provide photo of your Large Capacity Magazine permit.