Trump 45 Custom Glock: A Collectors Piece or Waste of Money?

Custom guns with logos, patriotic words, and other imagery have started to become more common in recent years. I remember when the only color option for guns followed the same line of thinking as Henry Ford. You could have any color you wanted as long as it was black.

Now we have yellow, red, green, orange, well you already know the color pallet. I will admit I used to be a hater of the multi-colored gun finishes. The same went for guns with words or images printed all over them. I’m starting to come around, however, and I find some of the new designs interesting and some even worth collecting. But what makes a gun worth collecting?

Trump 45th President Glock 19.
The Trump 45th Presidential Glock 19. [Photo: Jason Mosher]
This question comes up a lot, especially on guns with controversial names like this Trump 45 commemorative Glock 19. So, this begs to question, is this gun a collector’s item, or is the extra money for the custom imagery and name a waste of money?

Regardless of who likes or dislikes President Trump, there is no question he is one of the most divisive presidents of our day. Every president has those who oppose and those who support them. But Trump has a strong dedicated following and the rest appear to hate him. This makes a potential collector’s items even more debatable, or collectible, depending on who you are.

The Trump 45 Glock 19

For those who do like commemorative guns, the Trump 45 Glock 19 is an eye-catcher. I’m a Glock fan, but I also routinely complain about how plain and boring they are. There is nothing plain or boring about this gun. The entire gun has a burnt bronze finish on it.

The left side of the gun has “Trump 45th” written on the slide in cursive writing. The frame has several stars and a portrait of Trump on the grip. The right side of the gun has an American eagle on the grip with the words “E Pluribus Unum” which means “out of many, one.” The slide has the presidential seal, which is about the size of a penny, but the words are very detailed and easy to read.

Trump 45 Glock 19 handgun.
The Trump Presidential Glock 19 is a Gen 5 model with an aftermarket barrel. [Photo: Jason Mosher]
The factory barrel was replaced with a Zev Technologies threaded barrel and the Gen 5 model came with two extra mags (three total). The factory barrel was also included in the case, which is nice to have. Other than the name, face, logo, and barrel, this is a standard Glock 19 pistol.

Glock pistols are among the most reliable handguns in the world and there are a ton of accessories for them. But this brings me to my next question, do you carry a gun like this or just hang it on a wall? Is it too flashy or does it carry too much liability to actually use for self-defense?

Is it for shooting or looking at?

This is where I struggle the most with custom or commemorative guns. They are too nice and flashy to carry around every day. You don’t want it getting scratched up or dropped because the makeup and lipstick are what make this gun special. But it also feels like a waste to buy a good, reliable gun and never plan to shoot it.

Why not just buy a replica then? Nobody wants a fake gun, that’s why. We want to know they will shoot even if we don’t plan to shoot them. We want it to be a real, custom, reliable gun that we can look at and show off. Of course, we want to go shoot it at least once, but other than that, it’s a gun that is meant to be gazed upon.

Grip on the Trump 45 Glock 19.
The grip of the Trump 45 Glock 19. [Photo: Jason Mosher]
It pays tribute to an American president. The words and logos on the slide are laser engraved and the artwork on the frame is etched. This makes it very durable and would probably hold up well for carrying should someone choose to do so. But this also brings up another issue, can a gun like this be used without adding a mountain of liability? Some would say a gun is a gun, so it doesn’t matter.

But Trump is one of the most controversial presidents of all time. What happens if you defend yourself with a “Trump” gun and the other party claims you were acting out of political hatred? Things could go bad in court and the real facts may be obscured by political motivations.

Is it a collector’s item?

My opinion is this Trump presidential Glock is a great gun for collecting and even doing some shooting on the range. I wouldn’t use it for self-defense just because of the way it looks to others. But every president should be respected in some way because, no matter what, they were the president of a great country. Aside from the debate on who the gun commemorates, this is a gun that is not an average firearm.

presidential seal on Glock 19.
The slide of the Trump 45 Glock 19 handgun has the presidential seal engraved into it. [Photo: Jason Mosher]
It has artwork on it, and it stands out from other guns. Because of this, it is unique and should be considered a collector’s item. The nice thing about the extra barrel is that it can be used for practice without taking away from its presidential look. It takes just a few seconds to swap the gold barrel out for the factory one. You can get your money out of it by using it for training, or just doing some fun shooting at the range.

It will still look great in a display case, or you can show it to your buddies at the neighborhood BBQ. Whether or not this gun is worth the extra money will depend on how much you like guns, custom artwork, and our last president. But if you do want a cool flashy gun to display on the wall, this one will turn heads.

Like every gun out there and every gun enthusiast, some will like the Trump Glock and others won’t care for it. What do you think? Is it worth some extra cash to have a Trump 45th President Glock? If you want something different, this gun fits the bill.

Sheriff Jason Mosher is a law enforcement generalist instructor as well as a firearms and tactical weapons trainer. Jason graduated from the FBI-LEEDA (Law Enforcement Executive Development Association) and serves as a Sheriff for his day job. When he’s not working, he’s on the range, eating steak, or watching Yellowstone.

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