SHOT Show 2024: ULTRX Sounds Off on Hearing Protection

Your hearing is important and worth protecting. As new shooters influx into self-defense and shooting pastimes, many won’t be partial to the more traditional options that come with hearing protection. Accordingly, ULTRX has introduced a range of products in a multitude of sleek formats.

ULTRX hearing protection line up
ULTRX”s line of hearing blends function and form.

ULTRX Ear and Eye Safety Protection products were designed to fuse the most advanced technology schematics with modern design elements. Meanwhile, their products cover the broad spectrum of tonal protection. This ranges from dynamic studio sound management and auditory wave performance to active-adjustment micro-scale silicone inserts. These features deliver sound management for a multitude of hearing environments.

The company’s line of hearing protection includes rubberized exterior protective ear cup coatings. The low-profile, razor-thin cups are great for attaining close cheek weld. In addition, the extra-wide cushioned headbands enhance long-duration comfort. The powered options use rechargeable lithium-ion batteries for longer range life and less cumulative expense.

Likewise, ULTRX combines function with form, which includes more striking and vivid color palettes that emphasize tactical and current shooter personas. Adding to that, the soft silicone and polyurethane sponge-foam components are available in high contrast colors.

ULTRX’s entire lineup of transformative products are on display at the 2024 SHOT Show, booth #13021.

Peter Suciu is a Michigan-based freelance writer who regularly covers firearms related topics and military history. As a reporter, his work has appeared in dozens of magazines, newspapers, and websites. Among those are The National Interest, Forbes, and many others. He has collected military small arms and military helmets most of his life, and just recently navigated his first NFA transfer to buy his first machine gun. He is co-author of the book A Gallery of Military Headdress, which was published in February 2019. It is his third book on the topic of military hats and helmets.

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