Did You Know — Why Dot and Circle Reticles Rock?

Red dot reticles are typically just that, red dots. They come in a variety of sizes but are almost always small, easy to see, and easy to use. That being said, is the simple red dot the best option for a reticle? Red dots have advanced, and you can have a lot more than a dot for a reticle. If you ask me, dot and circle reticles rock a lot harder than a simple dot.

Holosun 507c V2 three reticles, 32 MOA circle.
The three reticles give you lots of options. The 32 MOA circle is perfect for a scattergun

Eotech pioneered this reticle with their -0 reticle. As far as I know, this is the first combination of dot and circle reticles. Eotech’s aren’t red dots but are qualified as reflex sights. The big dot and circle reticle became Eotech’s calling card, and its advantages became well known. Thus, we’ve seen the rise of the dot and circle reticle.

They come in several sizes. The Eotech model utilizes a 68 MOA circle and 1 MOA dot. Most red dot companies use a 65 MOA circle and 2 MOA dot, but Holosun also pioneered a 32 MOA circle with a 2 MOA dot in the center. Regardless of the size, these reticles rock.

Why the circle and dot rocks?

It’s pretty obvious that the main benefit is size. Bigger catches the eye better. The bigger reticle are easier to see and faster for your eye to pick up. At super close ranges, you just fill the circle with the target and pull the trigger.

The 65 and 68 MOA circles can also be used for range-finding purposes. The 68 MOA works best because at 100 yards, and it’s the same size as your average man. If a man-sized target fills the dot from top to bottom, it’s at 100 yards. If they fill from the bottom of the circle to the dot in the center, then they are at 200 yards.

The bottom of the circle on these reticles can be used to deal with mechanical offset. Aiming with the bottom stadia allows you to take precise shots at super close range. Very versatile and extremely handy.

The smaller 32 circle has the benefits of having a larger reticle for faster engagements on top of being really useful for shotguns. This reticle on a shotgun allows you to pattern your buckshot load into the 32 MOA circle. This way, you know where each pellet is going.

The Reticle

Who knew a larger, more capable reticle would be more useful! Seriously, it’s more than just a bigger reticle—it’s versatile, useful and I have a hard time going back to a standard red dot.

Travis Pike is a former Marine Machine Gunner and a lifelong firearms enthusiast. Now that his days of working a 240B like Charlie Parker on the sax are over he's a regular guy who likes to shoot, write, and find ways to combine the two. He holds an NRA certification as a Basic Pistol Instructor and is probably most likely the world's Okayest firearm instructor. He is a simplicisist when it comes to talking about himself in the 3rd person and a self-professed tactical hipster. Hit him up on Instagram, @travis.l.pike, with story ideas.

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