Century Arms Releases the Centurion 14 Pistol

After making its debut at the 2024 NRA Annual Meeting in May, Century Arms has released the Centurion 14 Hi-Power pistol, the latest in a line of imports from the Florida-based company. A replica of the original Browning Hi-Power pistol, the Centurion 14 allows enthusiasts to have a piece of history at a more readily available price point.

The newly released Centurion 14 is a single-action pistol chambered in 9mm and is made in the image of the original Browning Hi-Power, one of several legacy firearms from the mind of the great John Moses Browning. The newest iteration of the iconic firearm features 3-dot Novak-style sights on the all-steel pistol construction for reliability and durability. The pistol also features a skeleton ring hammer, manual thumb safety, and what the company calls a crisp single-action trigger.

Century Arms Centurion 14 pistol
Century Arms released the Centurion 14 hi-power pistol. This replica of the classic Browning Hi-Power offers a 4.66″ barrel, all-steel construction, and a 15+1 capacity. [Photo: Century Arms]
With its classic silhouette and aesthetics, the Centurion 14 pistol has a double-stacked 15-round magazine and offers a 15+1 capacity overall in an easy-to-handle package. The Centurion 14 has a 4.66-inch barrel and is 7.75 inches long, 5 inches tall, and under 1.4 inches wide. Topping off the specifications of the new hi-power is an unloaded weight of just 25.6 ounces.

The new Century Arms Centurion 14 pistol comes from the factory in a hard case. Inside the case is a magazine, bore brush, cleaning rod, and bore mop, making cleaning and storing a breeze. The pistol offers the legacy of the original with classic lines and modern firepower capacity. The Centurion 14 pistol has an affordable price point, with an MSRP of just $409.99.

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