Review: Hornady Security Canister Dehumidifier

Setting up your gun safe doesn’t end when you’ve installed it and filled it with gear. While it might seem like storage and security is all there is to know about safes, there’s more. Safes are frequently prone to suffering ill effects from the environment, and moisture is a common problem. Your guns, ammo, and anything else inside the safe could be damaged by moisture, but there are ways to protect them. That’s where the Hornady Security Canister Dehumidifier comes in as a handy, portable tool for gear protection and longevity.

snapsafe titan modular gun safe
So, is moisture really a problem with gun safes? It absolutely can be. (Photo credit: SnapSafe)

Is moisture a problem in gun safes?

You might be surprised to know that moisture really is a problem for your gun safe. It might be the last thing you’re worried about when you’re choosing one, but it’s something to be aware of. Some things that can affect the moisture level inside your gun safe include:

  • Living in a humid environment.
  • Using a safe with a wallboard liner that collects moisture.
  • Placing the safe near a water source such as a bathroom, water heater, or window AC unit.
  • The more airtight and watertight a safe is, it’s likely to also collect moisture within because there’s nowhere for the air to move.
  • Putting the safe in an area where there’s no climate control like in your garage or shed.

Moisture buildup inside a gun safe can lead to damage to the finish and function of firearms, ruined paperwork, decomposition of medication, and corrosion and warping of ammunition. While some substances are more resistant to moisture than others, there’s really nothing that’s truly immune to the effects of time and moisture. And while it can be helpful to utilize gun socks and other things to try to protect what you’re storing, there’s a better solution: desiccants.

hornady security canister dehumidifier
The Hornady Security Canister Dehumidifier is portable and rechargeable. (Photo credit: Kat Stevens)

What’s the Hornady Security Canister Dehumidifier?

The Hornady Security Canister Dehumidifier is a portable, rechargeable device that’s designed to pull moisture from its surroundings into itself. It’s large enough to be effective without taking up so much space that it’s in the way, and it requires nothing more than setting it in the safe. The canister is made from thin metal and has circular cutouts all around it to enable it to draw in moisture. It measures 5.4 inches by 4.9 inches by 4.0 inches and weighs 2.2 pounds out of the box.

hornady dehumidifier
The device has a metal perforated housing to allow it to draw moisture inside, removing humidity from its immediate environment. (Photo credit: Kat Stevens)

How do you use the Hornady Security Canister Dehumidifier?

Thanks to the portability of this particular dehumidifier, there’s no installation, no plugging in, and no fussing. You just set the dehumidifier on the shelf of the safe and you’re done. When the Canister Dehumidifier is new, the desiccant crystals inside are blue. As they absorb moisture from their surroundings, the crystals turn pink. At that point, you take the canister and stick it in the oven at 300 degrees or less for two to four hours. The crystals will turn blue again as they dry out. Then it’s as easy as returning the canister to your safe.

Here are a few tips for using the Hornady Security Canister Dehumidifier:

  • Before placing the dehumidifier in your safe, check to be sure the desiccant crystals are blue.
  • Put the canister on the highest shelf of the gun safe for maximum effectiveness.
  • Check the crystals from time to time to see if they’re still blue and effective, or if they’re turning pink and need to be dried.
  • Utilize this product to avoid worrying about batteries or plugging things in.
hornady dehumidifier
A viewing window on the top of the canister makes it possible to check the desiccant crystals, which are blue when dry and pink when full and in need of a recharge. (Photo credit: Kat Stevens)

How well does the Hornady Security Canister Dehumidifier work?

Although there are definitely places more humid than far North Texas, the humidity in this area can be intense. Add into that the nearby water sources and we definitely have an issue with moisture. How much of a problem that poses really depends on the safe in question. For example, my Hornady Ammo Cabinet has the company’s Square-Lok panels as its exterior, meaning it’s really well ventilated. That doesn’t mean it can’t benefit from a desiccant, just that it’s not as badly in need as others.

The heavier-duty safes made for serious security are the ones that benefit the most from this dehumidifier. That means if you need to choose one to start with, put it in your biggest, most carefully sealed safe. The canister doesn’t take up much room and the benefits go beyond convenience. Getting damage off guns from too much moisture can be an involved process, and if it’s ammo, you’re going to be out of luck.

According to Hornady, this canister dehumidifier is endlessly rechargeable, so it should last for quite a while. The fact that it only requires oven time to dry and reuse is handy as is the fact that you can simply tuck it on the shelf and forget about it (aside from occasionally checking to be sure it’s not full of moisture). There aren’t many simpler or more effective dehumidifiers on the market.

If you’re wondering if you’ll need more than one Canister Dehumidifier for a single safe, this one’s listed as working in a space of up to 50 cubic feet. That means it’s likely you’ll only need a single canister for your safe unless you have a truly oversized model. Conversely, you might be wondering if you actually need a dehumidifier if your safe isn’t that big. The answer is yes. Any tightly enclosed space containing firearms, ammo, or important documents can benefit from having a dehumidifier inside.

For simplicity and efficacy, the Hornady Security Canister Dehumidifier is a clear winner. And if you want something bigger, there’s also an XL version that contains twice as much desiccant. Using this basic tool is a great way to protect your gear from the effects of moisture. There’s really no reason not to get one (or two).

Kat Ainsworth Stevens is a long-time outdoor writer, official OGC (Original Gun Cognoscenti), and author of Handgun Hunting: a Comprehensive Guide to Choosing and Using the Right Firearms for Big and Small Game. Der Teufel Katze has written for a number of industry publications (print and online) and edited some of the others, so chances are you've seen or read her work before, somewhere. A woman of eclectic background and habits, Kat has been carrying concealed for over two decades, used to be a farrier, and worked for a long time in emergency veterinary medicine. She prefers big bores, enjoys K9 Search & Rescue, and has a Master's Degree in Pitiless Snarkastic Delivery.

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