GPS Outdoor Range Bag — Up Close with The Daily Shooter

You know those frustrating moments when you think you’ve found a bag you want, but either you can’t check out the pockets (zip-tied shut in some cases) or you’re unable to see what it looks like fully kitted out? Video reviews offer a solution to this problem, and today we’re taking a look at the Tactical GPS Outdoor Range Bag thanks to The Daily Shooter on Copper Jacket TV [YouTube channel].

GPS Outdoor Range Bag
The Daily Shooter says this bag is his primary range bag, and he doesn’t have to take anything else with him due to the well-thought-out construction.

The Daily Shooter on the GPS Outdoor Range Bag

The Daily Shooter says he had the bag for at least 8 to 9 months before his review, and it has quickly become his primary range bag. The GPS Outdoors range bag has everything right at his fingertips, and he doesn’t feel the need to bring any other bags. Each pocket is easy to access and is dedicated to a specific item, not that you must follow what they say.

The bag is large enough to hold everything he needs without being bulky. It is made of solid materials and he says the bag is lined or treated with a vinyl-like lining on the inside to help make it water-resistant. But Dupont Teflon coating keeps the weather out and your gear protected. The zipper pulls are large and brightly colored for easy sighting. The bag has a robust construction, with the straps being stitched the entire length and down the sides of the bag to ensure they don’t rip off.

The Daily Shooter's hands on.
The bag has decals on the pockets to help users find items faster. In this image, this is one of the side pockets that hold binoculars, while the other side pocket easily holds multiple pairs of earmuffs.

All the Pockets!

The bag has two pockets on either end, one for binoculars or spotting scope and the other for ear protection. The large, almost oversized pockets hold everything easily in its spot with quick access. In the video comments section, viewers stress how nice it is to have him show his gear in relation to the bag to grasp the scale of it quickly.

The bag’s front pocket has a thicker see-through zippered pouch inside that he uses for tools or items you want to keep in sight. Also, the front pocket has magazine pouches, which are great for holding all the loaded magazines when he’s focusing on pistols. Or he uses the pouches and the elastic straps to store shotgun chokes for shotgun days on the range.

GPS Outdoor stitching
According to The Daily Shooter, the construction of this bag is top-notch. Each strap is stitched the entire length and down the side of the bag to ensure it will not rip off. The straps even extend down behind the front and back pockets.

Extra Features

The back of the bag has an added feature—elastic bands with hook and loop closure for storing rolled paper targets. The back pocket has dedicated spaces for tool cases as well as brass collectors. It has soft fabric inside, and the collectors have Velcro. These adhere to the inside of the pocket, limiting movement. Finally, the back pocket has an included plastic divided case for small items like cotton swabs or toothpicks that he likes to keep on hand for quick cleaning.

The large main compartment has a U-shaped flap opening with pouches for eye protection (that is lined to keep scratches from happening) and foam ear protection. Inside the main area is a lot of space for storage with good construction, so it holds its shape. The heavy zipper and lining ensure that the weather stays out.

Front pocket of GPS Range bag
The front pocket has a sturdy internal pouch that is also see-through to easily identify objects inside, while the bag side of the pocket is lined with magazine pouches. It’s these little touches that he likes so much about the bag.

What’s the verdict on the GPS Outdoor Range Bag?

He ends the review by stating that the shoulder strap is very comfortable and is made of cotton padding and leather sections. The stitching goes the entire length of the strap, and it terminates with metal clips and loops, not plastic. He says it is extremely padded, straightforward, and comfortable to carry around, even fully loaded with ammo.

The Daily Shooter also said many times in the review how much he likes his GPS Outdoor bag and how it is his primary range bag. His bag walkthrough with items to show scale is very helpful, and hopefully, it will help some folks out.

Patti Miller is one of the most awesome females in the tactical/firearm (or any) industry. Imagine a tall, hawt, dangerous Laura Ingalls Wilder type with cool hair and a suppressed blaster and you'll be getting the idea. What's interesting is that in addition to being a willing brawler and intrepid adventuress, she's also an Ent/Ogier level gardener and a truly badass baker.

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