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Hoppe's "1-2-3 Done!" Cleaning Kit

Hoppe's "1-2-3 Done!" Cleaning Kit « »

SKU: 1100-Config


16.99 $16.99

Save $9.00

Availability: In stock

  • Quick, convenient cleaning kit
  • Includes single-pass BoreSnake cleaning rope
  • No. 9 bore cleaner solvent
  • No. 9 lubricating oil

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Save $9.00

Cleaning your rifle, pistol, or shotgun has never been easier, thanks to the Hoppe's® "1-2-3 Done!" Cleaning Kit. This convenient cleaning kit features a Hoppe’s BoreSnake® single-pass leaning rope, a bottle of Hoppe’s No. 9 bore cleaner, and a bottle of Hoppe’s No. 9 lubricating oil for a deep, reliable clean. The BoreSnake features a weighted, non-marring brass tip for a simple pass through the breech to the bore, without the need for a cleaning rod. This washable bore mop features an integrated bronze brush that easily, and gently scrubs away lead and copper fowling. Plus, the enlarged tail clears the barrel of loose debris with a surface area 160x larger than a standard patch for a superior clean. The bore cleaning solvent quickly dissolves carbon and lead fouling, and the lubricating oil penetrates deep into metal surfaces for smooth performance and lasting corrosion resistance.

Cleaning Supplies Type: Cleaning Kit
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