SHOT Show 2024: Coolest Safes and Safety Gear

There are a lot of things to see when you walk the floors at SHOT. It only makes sense that gun safes and safety gear are among the many items on display. And just like guns, optics, lights, and other gear, advancements have been made with safes and safety products as well. From large safes to portable ones you can travel with, you can never be too careful in today’s world. But safety gear is not limited to gun safes. As I walked the isles at SHOT show, I saw some interesting products. Here are a few I thought were worth checking out.

BLOC Tactical Eyewear

Headquartered in Lancing, Sussex (UK), BLOC makes most of its shooting glasses for tactical applications with ballistic polarized lenses. They offer goggles and glasses with removable earpieces for different platforms. By removable earpiece, I’m talking about the part of the glasses that goes over your ears. You can pull them off and attach an elastic strap instead. It’s easy to overlook the quality of glasses when heading to the range, but it’s an important piece of safety equipment.


Most of BLOC’s eyewear includes a clear lens and an orange or darker-colored lens, allowing users to switch them out to fit their needs. A nice hard case with MOLLE webbing keeps everything safe and secure. At the moment, you can only purchase BLOC glasses through United Kingdom distributors. But Global Ordnance is set to bring them to the US in the near future, making them more affordable and faster to ship out.

Door Jamm Safety Device

When looking for safety devices at SHOT, I expected to find safes, glasses, hearing protection, and other items. What I didn’t expect to see was a cheap piece of rubber that keeps doors from locking or closing behind you. Door Jamm created something extremely simple, but I’ve never seen it before, so hats off to them. They target police, fire, and EMS for their primary sales, but this little tool could be useful to anyone.

According to the company, the Door Jamm will stretch up to 200% and is reusable. The temperature rating is 212 degrees to -40. On doors with a handle or doorknob, slip the end over the knob on each side of the door. The Door Jamm covers the latch and keeps it from closing. You can also use them on magnetic locks and doors without any handles. You can fit them in your pocket or use a small belt holder available from the company.

Door Jamm safety device.
Door Jamm is a simple yet brilliant way to quickly keep a door from locking behind you. [Photo: Jason Mosher]
These could be a great safety tool for businesses to keep by back doors where an employee could be locked out. They would also work on doors you don’t want small children closing in homes. I can’t count the number of times I had to pick a lock on a door that my toddler locked by mistake. These things retail for about $12 and come in a variety of colors.

Remington Big Green Safe

Big, heavy safes are a great place to store your guns, optics, and other gear. The Remington Big Green safe says it all in the name. It’s big, it’s green, and it has some impressive features. A few years ago, my agency worked on a case where a lot of guns were stolen from a residential home. They didn’t break into the safe, they pulled the entire thing out of the home with a truck. Once they got into a field, they started the process of breaking into the safe. We found them and recovered the guns, but they had gotten the safe open.

Remington Big Green safe.
Remington Big Green is a safe that is built like Fort Knox. [Photo: Jason Mosher]
After that incident, I decided a gun safe needs to be heavy, bolted down, and have as many door bolts as possible. Remington’s Big Green Safe does all of this. It weighs just over 1,000 pounds and has 14 steel door bolts that are 15 inches long. To get the door off, you must cut most of them out, which is a long and tedious process.

Vaultek LifePod XT

Last year at TriggrCon, I saw the Smart Station safe. It’s a desktop-mounted safe with a digital clock on the front, a phone charger on top, and a pop-out tray for your handgun. This year, they have expanded on this design with a larger version. But, what stood out to me the most was their new LifePod XT cases. Just the right size for carrying several handguns and some other gear, the XT is a portable vault. Several configurations are available for the inside of the safe, and they come in multiple colors.

You can unlock the XT case with the biometric finger scanner, a push button combination, or a manual key. According to Vaultek, this is the world’s first all-weather modular case that contains a built-in waterproof biometric lock. It’s water-resistant, dustproof, and airtight. You can customize the case using their inserts that include a lid organizer, MOLLE board panel, pistol rack, and more. You can make it work for the gear you need to carry, and it will stay dry and dust-free. And don’t forget the storage options are not limited to firearms.

Vaultek Life Pod XT safe.
The Vaultek Life Pod XT is the perfect case for traveling or trips. It’s waterproof, shockproof, and has multiple locking systems, making it extremely secure. [Photo: Jason Mosher]
Users can connect a steel cable to the corner, so they can lock the XT to a chair, car, or something in a room. This works out great when traveling and you need to keep some items locked away for safety. Most of the XT vaults retail for about $450, which is expensive for a small portable safe. But you also get what you pay for, and this thing looks like a tough little box – it even floats!

You Can Never Be Too Safe

I’m not sure I’ll ever be hauling Remington’s Big Green safe up the stairs to my home. But if you want size and quality, it’s a nice choice. Out of all the safes I looked at during SHOT, Vaultek had the coolest items. From small personal-sized cases to larger quick-access safes, they mix security with technology. One of their safes even had built-in sensors and worked with an app on your phone. If someone moves or opens the safe without entering the passcode, it notifies you. I’m sure we will see more safety products in the coming months. But for now, these are some great ones to check out.

Sheriff Jason Mosher is a law enforcement generalist instructor as well as a firearms and tactical weapons trainer. Jason graduated from the FBI-LEEDA (Law Enforcement Executive Development Association) and serves as a Sheriff for his day job. When he’s not working, he’s on the range, eating steak, or watching Yellowstone.

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