Real Avid Tools: What’s New For 2024?

Real Avid is one of my favorite tool brands for all things in the firearms industry. They make specific tools for projects that would otherwise be hard to work on. They make everything from cleaning kits to workstations and all the tools in between. I’ve used their tools for years in the law enforcement industry as a certified armorer, and I’m always impressed by how well their stuff works. One of my favorite tools they make is the AR-15 lower vice block. In 2023, they introduced an aluminum pivot pin tool to install the takedown pin detent and spring.

However, the company continues to grow and expand its product offering. So, I’ve put together a quick rundown of what’s new for 2024.

Master Gun Work Station

This station does just about everything you could want when making repairs, cleaning, or mounting optics. Using their Gun Gripper technology, they have placed a clamp on the rear bracket to secure your rifle to the station. The front bracket is adjustable for barrels with different lengths. It has adjustable feet that can be adjusted up to one inch up or down. A flat edge allows the feet to be clamped to the edge of the table as well.

Master Gun Workstation
The Master Gun Workstation by Real Avid was released in August of 2023. [Photo: Jason Mosher]
One feature I liked is the leveling knob on the back that lets you level your rifle when mounting an optic. A sliding dual rail works with the Smart-Assist Quick-Connect System, which we will talk about shortly. This is the perfect size workstation for anyone who has a bench in their garage, shed, or basement. It’s small enough you can also store it somewhere else and set it up when needed. If you own any kind of rifle, check this thing out.

Smart-Assist Quick-Connect System

One of the coolest things Real Avid has done is release the Quick-Connect system for its tools. When you buy this kit, you get a docking station, a magnifying glass, a work light, and a cell phone holder. It’s designed to work with the Master Gun Vise and Master Gun Workstation. Attaching it to the sliding mount on the Master Gun Workstation allows you to move the magnifying glass or light from one end of the workstation to the other.

Real Avid quick connect system.
Real Avid’s quick connect system works with multiple tools, including the Master Gun Workstation. [Photo: Jason Mosher]
Another cool feature with Quick-Connect is that each tool comes off separately using the Quick-Connect clip. This allows you to use only the light, magnifier, or phone holder and remove the others. Right now, this system works with the Master Gun Vise, Master Workstation, and a new tool (see below), but I’m guessing there will be more tools using the Quick-Connect System in the future. This nifty kit retails for about $99.

Bore-Max Master

As of this writing, this cool portable master kit hasn’t hit the shelves yet, but it’s going to be a big hit. Last year I reviewed Real Avid’s Speed Stand, which is a portable rifle stand that can be folded up. The new Bore-Master has a fold-up rifle stand as well but does much more. About the size of a briefcase, the plastic fold-open kit contains just about everything you need for cleaning your gun, including a pick set, bore brushes and pads, and a cleaning mat.

Real Avid Bore-Max kit.
This year, Real Avid is introducing the Bore-Max kit. [Photo: Jason Mosher]
It has a quick-connect attachment on the side so you can use those Smart-Assist tools in the field. The two self-gripping rifle stands fold down into the center of the kit. A space on the side allows for a smart attachment tool to be stored in it as well. When it’s open, you can pull out the tool tray and unroll the included cleaning mat into the lid for a work area. This would be a perfect kit to keep in a vehicle or take on a hunting trip. It’s also perfect for storing at home, so it’s out of the way when you don’t need it.

What else?

Real Avid had a section dedicated just to new tools for 2024. I took a quick peek at this section and found a few things that looked interesting. One of these tools that stood out was the Armorer’s Master Hammer, which is a 20-ounce forged hammer. It has a removable soft hammerhead cover, which can be replaced with other hammerheads. The handle has a storage section that holds a magnetic pin starter. Another cool find was a Master Bench Block PRO, which they say works with most pistols and long guns.

Real Avid Master Bench Block Pro.
Real Avid is releasing a new Master Bench Block PRO for both rifles and handguns. [Photo: Jason Mosher]
As far as I’m aware, the only other bench blocks Real Avid makes are the Master Bench Block-AR15 and Smart Bench Block. I use bench both blocks on a regular basis, especially when I need to push pins out of a handgun or rifle. This new bench block is made from a non-slip over-mold and has 14 holes with two grooves to make it flexible. From looking at it through the packaging, it looks like a perfect size to use as a general-purpose bench block.

Have you tried any real avid tools?

I don’t think I’ve ever purchased a Real Avid tool that I didn’t like or thought wasn’t useful. Their tools are affordable and built extremely well. For those AR-15 lovers, they make a large selection of tools just for working on AR-15 rifles. The Glock Sight Pusher, Smart Mag Tool, and 4-in-1 Tool for Glock handguns are a must-have for anyone who owns a Glock handgun. A Smart Mat for Glock pistols with diagrams for field stripping is also available for your gun cleaning needs. If you don’t have any Real Avid tools yet, check them out and let us know what you think.

Sheriff Jason Mosher is a law enforcement generalist instructor as well as a firearms and tactical weapons trainer. Jason graduated from the FBI-LEEDA (Law Enforcement Executive Development Association) and serves as a Sheriff for his day job. When he’s not working, he’s on the range, eating steak, or watching Yellowstone.

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