Real Avid Speed Stand Fold and Go: Do You Need One?

I find myself writing frequently about Real Avid products. More, I think, than most other companies producing cleaning and armorers’ gear. This is because they make such a wide range of tools. And not just any tool; they offer specialized tools for specific guns or functions. The first time I tried building an AR-15, I spent way too long trying to get the takedown detent and spring in the lower receiver. I asked a friend for help, and he gave me a Pivot Pin Tool. This is still one of my favorite tools because it makes such a little tedious task so simple.

Real Avid speed stand.
Real Avid Speed Stand is perfect for most rifles and shotguns. [Photo: Jason Mosher]
Well, the Real Avid Speed Stand is just as cool. It doesn’t solve an obvious problem like the Pivot Pin Tool. Instead, it solves a little annoying problem you may not even notice. Are you tired of holding up your rifle with one hand while cleaning it with the other? Do all your rifles need cleaning but you get frustrated and give up? Reread those two sentences while picturing those terrible “As seen on TV ads” with a terrible actor fumbling around with a rifle. This could be a great infomercial, right? I know, no one likes infomercials.

But unlike those infomercial products, the Real Avid Speed Stand Fold and Go really is a cool product. I planned to keep it in a range bag for repairs, scope adjustments, and cleaning at the range. But I found my time with it was split between the range and my workbench. I use a lower vice block for my AR-15s, but for bolt-action and other rifles, it’s a perfect way to hold the rifle up.

Fold & Go speed stand

As the name implies, the Fold and Go is a portable gun stand with gun gripper yokes to hold the gun in place. Because it folds up, it’s compact enough to fit in a medium size range bag. Both legs fold up from the inside of the frame and lock in place. The length of the stand is adjustable and two folding levers act as clamps to keep the frame from moving while in use.

Real Avid speed stand fold and go.
The Real Avid speed stand folds up in seconds. [Photo: Jason Mosher]
One of my favorite things about Real Avid’s gun stands is the gripper yokes. Set the rifle or shotgun inside the stand without any clamps. The gripper yokes keep it secured while you work. Adjustable feet on the Fold and Go allow the stand to be kept level regardless of the work surface. They also have a rubber grip material on the bottom to keep it from sliding around. The telescoping frame can be adjusted from 7.5 to 12 inches and the locking clamps hold the frame in place at the distance you select.

There is a front and back to the stand with the back having a larger gap in the yoke holder than the front. This is to accommodate the thicker portion of a stock. The front is narrower, allowing it to grip a barrel or thinner portion of a rifle stock. Any rifle I placed in it, felt secure and didn’t move around at all. On the range, this is a lifesaver if you need to make a quick adjustment to your gun.

Applications for the Fold and Go

As I mentioned above, when the stand is folded up, it will easily fit in a range back or backpack. I try not to work on my guns in the field, but sometimes you don’t have any choice. If you do need to hold the gun still, the Real Avid Fold and Go is a must-have. Real Avid makes several compact toolkits for all types of rifles. This makes keeping a few tools and a stand in your range bag more than easy. It can be set up and ready to use in just minutes.

Real Avid fold and go.
Just about any rifle will fit into the Fold and Go Speed Stand. [Photo: Jason Mosher]
While this stand is a great size for range bags and backpacks, I found that I used it at my workbench frequently as well. Real Avid makes a larger, heavier-duty stand called the Master Workstation if you want a permanent stand for your workbench. I have been leaving the speed stand on my bench and sticking it in my range bag when I head to the range. I have used it for AR-15s, bolt-action rifles, and shotguns both at home and on the range.

An AR-15 will fit in the stand without removing the upper. This is handy when mounting optics, flashlights, or other accessories to your AR-15. Aside from adding/adjusting accessories, the Real Avid stand also works great for cleaning your rifle/shotgun. You can set an AR-15 upper in it, right-side-up, or upside down while cleaning. The lower will also fit if the stock is extended out.

Do you need one?

This may not be one of those “must-have” tools on your list, but I would certainly suggest considering it. It’s great for cleaning and making repairs, but I have used it the most for adding accessories. Attaching lights, pressure plates, red dots, scopes, or changing batteries in optics. I wish I could say that a red dot or scope stayed on the gun I purchased it for. But I find myself moving optics and accessories around on my guns frequently.

Real Avid speed stand.
Light and portable, the Real Avid speed stand is perfect for your range bag. {Photo: Jason Mosher]

An AR-15 is like a Lego set to me, and what do you do with a Lego castle after it’s built? You look at it for a few minutes before taking it apart and building something else. Just mounting a scope to your deer rifle makes the Fold & Go stand worth the money. And speaking of money, I haven’t even mentioned the cost yet. The Real Avid Fold and Go is priced well under $100. At the time of this writing, it was selling in the $60 range, making it a great product for the price.

If you own any type of rifle or shotgun, I recommend adding this to your tool inventory. Use it at home, or in the field. It’s the most compact rifle stand I have found and holds the gun firmly in place while using it. Pick one up today, or give one to a friend. Either way, you won’t regret buying the Real Avid Fold and Go Speed Stand.

Sheriff Jason Mosher is a law enforcement generalist instructor as well as a firearms and tactical weapons trainer. Jason graduated from the FBI-LEEDA (Law Enforcement Executive Development Association) and serves as a Sheriff for his day job. When he’s not working, he’s on the range, eating steak, or watching Yellowstone.

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