Breakthrough Clean Technologies Releases 6-Ounce Aerosol Options

Breakthrough Clean Technologies, a manufacturer of firearm and outdoor gear cleaning products, has made some of its most popular solvents and lubricants available as aerosols. Specifically, the company has released 6-ounce aerosol versions of its Carbon Pro Foaming Bore cleaner, All-In-One CLP, Dry Lube with PTFE, and the Military Grade Solvent.

The Breakthrough Clean Technologies aerosols were designed to make each 6-ounce item user-friendly and still highly effective. According to the company, the new aerosol versions employ the same modern chemistry for the products so customers can expect the same performance.

Breakthrough Clean Technologies Aerosols
Breakthrough Clean Technologies has announced 6-ounce options of some of its most popular products: Pro Foaming Bore cleaner, All-In-One CLP, Dry Lube, and the Military Grade Solvent. [Photo credit: Breakthrough Clean Technologies]
The Carbon Pro Foaming Bore cleaner is specifically designed to be sprayed down the barrel to remove carbon and works to neutralize the corrosive residues. It is a water-based, ammonia-free solution that works to get rid of what’s in the barrel without damaging it.

The All-In-One CLP aerosol acts as a cleaner, lubricant, and protectant. It cleans by removing oil, grease, and carbon build-ups and protects the firearm from rust and corrosion. Breakthrough Clean states the solution works on a whole host of objects like locks, knives, bikes, and tools.

The Dry Lube with PTFE creates a dry lubricant film that does not attract dirt, dust, or oil on the surface. The solution is effective and safe and evaporates within seconds, according to Breakthrough Clean Technologies.

The Military Grade Solvent is a multi-purpose cleaner and degreaser but leaves no residue behind. The solvent is also said to be odorless allowing the user to clean indoors without the worry of the smell.

The 6-ounce aerosols from Breakthrough Clean Technologies are available now and all are made in the U.S. The price points for the products range from $15.99 for the Pro Foaming Bore Cleaner and the Military Grade Solvent, while the All-In-One CLP and the Dry Lube options are $17.99.

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