Why Color Coded Rifle Mags Make Sense

<p>There are some pretty good reasons to have some magazines that are easily distinguishable from others.  Let’s take a look at why color coded magazines can make sense.</p>

Ensuring Defensive Magazine Reliability

<p>The gun and the ammo are the two factors that most people consider when it comes to reliability, but there is a third, very important item to think about when it comes to the reliability of your defensive gun.  That is the magazine.</p>

Carry Spare Magazines for Home Defense

<p>We know that it makes sense to carry a spare magazine when it comes to armed self-defense, but home-defense can pose some challanges.  Especially when it is 3:00 am and you aren't wearing your tactical pajamas.  An over the shoulder bag can be a great solution to carrying a mag and your other gear.</p>

Extra Capacity for your Compact Glock

With a full-size Glock mag in a compact Glock, you add capacity, reloads are easier, and its easier to keep up with full-sized guns in class.

SGM Tactical Steel AR15 Magazine Review

SGM Tactical, known for its solid quality, affordable polymer Glock and Saiga magazines,now makes high-quality steel magazines for the AR 15.

The Saint: Springfield Armory’s New AR

Springfield Armory announced a new rifle. It is more than "just another AR." In fact, the Springfield Saint sounds downright cool.

Feed Your Glock 17

Spare magazines are a great investment for the range. When it comes to the Glock 17 magazines, you have plenty of options.

Warfytr AR Mag Pouch

<p>Warfytr is a veteran founded and owned company bringing their experience into their product design. Their AR Mag pouch is unconventional but fast is fast.</p>

Lithgow F90 ATRAX Fed By Magpul Mags

<p>The Australian Lithgow F90 is fed by special Magpul PMAGs.</p>

4 Lessons I learned from Hurricane Matthew

<p>While my local town was spared the brunt of the massive hurricane that hit the US last week, I still learned four important lessons from being in its wake.</p>

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