Top 5 Ways to Run the Kalashnikov Charging Handle

Charging handles play a big role in operating a defensive rifle. Here are some ways to run the charging handle on your AK.

Shooter Development — the Eleanor Drill by Sage Dynamics

The Sage Dynamics Eleanor Drill is designed to improve a rapid transition from precision to practical accuracy. Here's how it works.

The Tueller Drill

The Tueller Drill is a standard in police academies and is working itself into civilian training as well. Let's watch some scenarios.

The MPOETC Shotgun Qual – The Best One Yet?

Want to test your shotgun skills? The MPOETC shotgun qual is one way to test your mettle. Let's load up that scattergun and go.

New Jersey Police Subgun Qual — It’s a Jersey Thing

All Trav knows about New Jersey is that it's the Garden State, the Sopranos was filmed there, and that their LEOs have a great subgun qual.

Larry Vickers 5-10-15 Drill — Handgun Fundamentals

You don't have anything without the proper fundamentals. This is a "meat and potatoes" handgun fundamentals drill with Larry Vickers.

The DOE Shotgun Qual — Scattergun Joy

The Department of Energy is home to an unlikely armed force. Today we are trying out the DOE Shotgun Qual. Give it a try!

The FBI Handgun Qual — Shoot Like a FedBoi

Today we try our hand at playing Fedboi with the FBI handgun qual. It's simple, but far from easy. Luckily it's light on ammo.

The MPTC Concealed Carry Qual — Conceal It

Rarely do we see police training qualifications that successfully cross over to the concealed carry world. The MPTC Back-Up Gun Qual works well with concealed carry handguns.

Larry Vickers — Time Standard Drill

Could setting a time standard can help your performance in the drills you run? Larry Vickers shows us how to do it.

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