Advantages of a 9mm Carbine for Defensive Training and Pleasure

<p>A fun gun like a 9mm AR-15 can slide in to fill a void in your enjoyment and in your training regimen.  Let’s take a look at some of the advantages that a 9mm can provide over your trusty AR-15.</p>

Carry Spare Magazines for Home Defense

<p>We know that it makes sense to carry a spare magazine when it comes to armed self-defense, but home-defense can pose some challanges.  Especially when it is 3:00 am and you aren't wearing your tactical pajamas.  An over the shoulder bag can be a great solution to carrying a mag and your other gear.</p>

Magazine Capacity Restrictions and the Glock 17

<p>Restricted capacity magazines don't always mean 10 rounds. If you live in an area where capacities are restricted to 15 rounds, Glock has an option for you.</p>

Four Advantages of Pistol Caliber Carbines

<p>When deciding on a home defense solution, many new shooters take the ill-informed, but well-meaning advice, "buy a shotgun". And while shotguns aren't 'bad' firearms for home defense, they aren't as easy to use as most would believe. Sometimes, a better option, is a light-recoiling, semi-automiatic pistol caliber carbine.</p>

Feed Your Glock 17

Spare magazines are a great investment for the range. When it comes to the Glock 17 magazines, you have plenty of options.

The American FAL

<p>The FAL may be considered a European weapon by many in the US, but it had a large impact in American than you might think.</p>

Why I hate the REX Zero 1

<p>I’m a fairly laid back kind of guy, few things or people can get me upset enough to rant and rave, but somehow Arsenal of Las Vegas managed to elicit these very feeling from me at SHOT Show 2016.</p>

Secure Your Guns — Four Gun Storage and Safety Suggestions

<p>You have a right to keep and bear firearms, but you also have a responsibility to reasonably control them to prevent tradgedy. Here are a few ways to do just that.</p>

Pistol Caliber Carbines — Looks Matter

<p>Looks aren't everything, but when it comes to pistol caliber carbines, solid aesthetics often means the difference between sinking and swimming. </p>

4 Lessons I learned from Hurricane Matthew

<p>While my local town was spared the brunt of the massive hurricane that hit the US last week, I still learned four important lessons from being in its wake.</p>

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