Less Lethal Weapons — 3 Defensive Tool Options

Secondary defensive measures are self-defense tools that aren’t lethal by design. Here are three less than lethal options to consider.

AIWB: Is it a Safe Way to Carry Your Gun?

If there’s one method of carry that tends to get a bad rap, it’s AIWB. Is it safe or not? The answer is yes and no, and we'll explain why.

AR10 vs AR15: Which Rifle is Better?

There are multiple AR platforms out there, but of the two, which is the better gun? AR15 vs AR10: here's what have to say about it.

Colt Snake Guns: Past, Present, Future

In the 1950s, Colt launched its line of snake guns. Over the decades they've grown in popularity. Now, Colt's re-making them.

30 Super Carry vs 9mm | Ammo Face Off

30 Super Carry vs 9mm — which is best? Get a closer look at the ballistics and performance of the two different cartridges.

10mm Self Defense: A Suitable Defensive Cartridge?

The 10mm was literally designed to be a superior defensive round, but there are considerations to be aware of. Read more.

Saturday Night Specials Part 2 – The Legislation

In Part Two of our look at Saturday Night Specials, we explore the laws, the controversies, and the studies about these pesky little guns.

The Pistol Chassis | Pros, Cons, and the 5 Best Out There

The pistol chassis market is constantly growing and becoming a real mainstay. Why not? Who doesn't want to make their pistol PCC-like?

30-30 Winchester: All about the 30-30 WIN | Gunmagopedia

30-30 Winchester ammunition has been in usage since its inception in 1895. Let's dive into the tried-and-true classic's background and specs.

The Saturday Night Special Restrospective—Part 1

Today we examine the Satruday Night Special, a controversial genre of firearms often misaligned and blamed for crime, but are they at fault?

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