Caliber Wars: What’s the Best Defensive Handgun Cartridge?

380 ACP, 9mm, 10mm, or the new 30 Super Carry — which one is the best defensive handgun cartridge? Let's look into the details.

Gunslingers: Top 10 Guns of the Most Famous or Infamous

Here's a treat for the history buffs. What guns did the most famous, or infamous, gunslingers wield? We did the digging for you, and this is what we found.

AR Platforms of Eugene Stoner: Not Just an AR-15

Eugene Stoner is well known for inventing the AR-15, but did you know he created quite a few other ARs? Check out our list of ARs to know.

Smith and Wesson Side Plate Screws | Wheelgun Wednesday

Revolvers have different numbers of side plate screws — and that number means something? Read up on Smith and Wesson side plate screws.

GunMagopedia: All About Bullets

What is a bullet? What was the first bullet? What are bullets made from?What are the different kinds of bullets? Here's your bullet FAQ.

1911 Series 70 vs Series 80. Does it Even Matter?

There are quite a few differences between a 1911 Series 70 and a Series 80. Here are the details of the design changes.

Stephanie Kwolek: Inventor of Kevlar

Stephanie Kwolek was a confident and ambitious woman who didn't want to be a chemist at all, but her work has saved countless lives. Meet the lady who brought you Kevlar.

Handgun Glossary: Is it a Handgun? A Pistol? A Revolver?

Is it a handgun? A pistol? A revolver? What about all those parts or actions and relevant terminology? Our Handgun Glossary answers your questions!

Pump-Action vs Semi-Auto Shotguns: Which One’s Better?

Not sure whether you want a pump-action or semi-automatic shotgun? Our explanation of how they work and their various pros and cons will help.

224 Valkyrie vs 6mm ARC: Which Cartridge Wins?

224 Valkyrie vs 6mm ARC — both are fairly recent developments in the long-range AR-15 game. Which cartridge is better for you?

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