NICS Denial or Delay? Your Address is Now Reported to the Cops

According to the new NICS policy, if you’re denied approval, or even delayed, the FFL is required to report your home address to the ATF for investigation.

Bill Introduced to Raise Gun Excise Tax

Congressmen Bill Pascrell and Danny Davis have introduced a bill to raise the gun and ammunition excise tax across the board. The Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act would use that extra money “to create guaranteed annual funding for gun violence prevention.” The bill’s sponsors claim the bill “is an important step in ensuring […]

Bruen Strikes Again: Part of Form 4473 Ruled Unconstitutional

The Supreme Court's Bruen Decision continues to affect gun laws nationwide. A federal judge has now ruled part of Form 4473 unconstitutional.

Chris Jacobs Introduces “Assault Weapons” Licensing Bill

Retiring New York Congressman Chris Jacobs has introduced an "assault weapons" licensing scheme. Here's what we know so far.

Dick Heller Beats DC Again

Dick Heller has triumphed over Washington, DC's draconian gun laws once more, showing us the way forward on arbitrary ammunition limitations.

House Passes “Assault Weapons” Ban

The House of Representatives passed an "assault weapons" ban last week. Here's what you need to know and how we can stop it.

Clown Show: House Judicial Committee Passes “Assault Weapons” Ban

The House Judiciary Committee hearings on the "assault weapons" ban were a true political circus. And the clowns were front and center.

Bruen Decision Fuels Legal Challenges Nationwide

The Supreme Court's Bruen Decision is rippling through the judicial system. Pro-gun organizations are taking the offensive everywhere.

West Virginia vs. EPA: A Victory for Gun Owners?

The Supreme Court has curtailed the EPA's power to regulate as it chooses. The same ruling could bring the ATF into line.

The Supreme Court Bruen Decision: A Good Win, For Now

The US Supreme Court released the NYSRPA vs. Bruen Decision last week. Here's what it means, what it doesn't do, and what's next.

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