Judges Split on Oregon Measure 114 Rulings

The controversial Oregon Measure 114 drew four separate lawsuits against its implementation. The 1st two now have initial rulings.

Senator Chris Murphy Threatens to Defund 2A Sanctuaries

Should the US Senate consider withholding federal law enforcement funds from localities dubbed “Second Amendment Sanctuaries”? Senator Murphy thinks so.

Incoming House Judiciary Chair Warns ATF Director

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan is set to look into the ATF's rulemaking process when the 118th Congress is seated in January.

Oregon Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce Anti-Gun Measure 114

Several Oregon sheriffs have publicly denounced Measure 114 as unconstitutional and an infringement on citizens’ Second Amendment rights.

Iowa Votes to Protect Gun Rights While Oregon Does the Opposite

These two measures further illustrate the growing divide between rural and urban Americans in the gun debate.

Bill Clinton Pushes for “Assault Weapons” Ban

The “public service message” calls for a return to the 1994-2004 “assault weapons” ban. Let’s break it down and add some much-needed context.

Project Unloaded: A New Approach to Gun Control Part 1

Combining tried and true propaganda techniques with social media, Project Unloaded makes a calculated effort to undermine the Second Amendment.

Delaware Begins Mandatory Magazine “Buyback”

DSHS will begin collection of the outlawed magazines on November 16 despite the fact that it is almost certainly unconstitutional.

Gun Control on Next Week’s Ballot in Oregon

Oregon Measure 114 asks voters to decide whether the state should enact tougher gun laws, including a permitting scheme and magazine restrictions.

Lawsuit Challenges Washington Magazine Ban

The suit claims that the Washington magazine ban is unconstitutional under the Second and Fourteenth Amendments.

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