Weapon Safety 101: Rifle Safety

While general safety procedures apply to all firearms, there are a few distinctions between handguns and rifles regarding safe practices.

Glock: A Cult Following and the Nonbelievers

Since its introduction in 1982, Glock has made an indelible mark on the gun world. Is the brand really worth it, or is it overhyped?

Guns We Miss: The High Standard Sentinel .22 Revolver

1955 saw the introduction of High Standard’s first revolver, one which offered multiple innovations. From its introduction to now, 68 years later, the High Standard Sentinel series has always been a handgun “best buy.”

Weapon Safety 101: Handgun Safety

Firearms safety is not a joke and should never be taken lightly. Here are some handgun-specific safety rules for new and experienced shooters alike.

The Importance of Ventilation for Indoor Ranges

For indoor firing ranges, ventilation isn't just an afterthought. It plays a critical part in maintaining a safe, breathable environment for shooters.

Getting a Grip on the History of Glock

Gaston Glock took a leap into the unknown and did what others could not — a feat that has aged remarkably well. Four decades later, Glock is the benchmark for handguns. How did we get here?

Match Your Training Goals With Your Training Classes

Selecting the right training can be daunting, but if you first honestly categorize your goals, and then select firearms training accordingly, you are much more likely to progress successfully.

In-Home Gun Rooms: Converting An Empty Space Into A Gun Vault

How do you store your guns? Stuffed in a closet? On a shelf somewhere? A safe? Under the bed? In a mini-safe? Sometimes, we just need more space for our guns and gear. Read on to learn about potential in-home gun room solutions!

Overpressure: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

Overpressure and the resulting concussive blast are far too often overlooked in personal defense planning. Here's why it matters.

Range, Risk, and Ethics: Is It Always Appropriate to Pull the Trigger?

Your training plan for defensive scenarios should include training that focuses on legal matters, use of force, and decision-making. Carry a weapon for the right reason and use it for the right reason.

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