Travis Pike is a former Marine Machine Gunner and a lifelong firearms enthusiast. Now that his days of working a 240B like Charlie Parker on the sax are over he's a regular guy who likes to shoot, write, and find ways to combine the two. He holds an NRA certification as a Basic Pistol Instructor and is probably most likely the world's Okayest firearm instructor. He is a simplicisist when it comes to talking about himself in the 3rd person and a self-professed tactical hipster. Hit him up on Instagram, @travis.l.pike, with story ideas.

SMGs & the Operational Briefcase: A Concept of the Cold War

The operational briefcase was an innovation that came about during the Cold War. Let's examine some intriguing designs.

Going Akimbo: Is It Useful?

I can read lots and lots of historical accounts, and I can watch Myth Busters, but that doesn't mean anything unless I go out there and try it out myself. I started with the only 'pair' of guns I have, two Glock 17s. I loaded them up, set up two targets, and tried my best to see if I could control and handle both guns.

The Best Guns for the Worst Monsters

It's Halloween. Here's how to defend yourself from the monsters you might face in the dark and the best guns to do it with. 

The SUB 2000 Vs. the FPC: Folding PCC Shootout

There used to be a time and place where Folding PCCs were kind of rare. These days, there are PCCs of every size and shape. Heck, we have two that fold in half! It's a great time to be a PCC fan, and the Sub 2000 and FPC are two of the most compact and discrete options out there.

The Beretta PMXs: Spaghetti Blaster Intensified

The Beretta PMXs has slowly leaked into the American market and is hitting all the popular gun websites. It's an awesome subgun. It’s lightweight, has great ergonomics, and is a ton of fun to shoot.

Box Magazines for Shotguns: Comparability and Compatibility

We've been getting lots and lots of questions from our beloved customers regarding the MKA 1919 and the Saiga 12. Specifically, are the magazines interchangeable?

Polymer vs. Metal: The Practical Differences

Which is better: Metal or polymer guns? It's an age-old argument of the gun world, but we've set out to try and settle the score with some of the pros and cons to each design.

The SAS Sling Method: Stabilize Your Subgun

The SAS sling method, as it is commonly called, is a technique that uses the sling to apply tension to the weapon to ensure it can be controlled. It's especially handy for non-stocked weapons.

My Five Favorite AR-15 Stocks

Your rifle stock can be an important piece of gear in your whole rifle setup. Don't settle, be picky. Here are 5 of my favorite AR-15 stocks.

The HKS Speed Loader: Top Off Your Six Gun

A speed loader greatly simplifies the process of reloading a revolver. HKS Speed Loaders make it straightforward and affordable to master the revolver reload. 

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