Joel Nadler is the Training Director at Indy Arms Company in Indianapolis and co-owner of Tactical Training Associates.  He writes for several gun-focused publications and is an avid supporter of the right to self-sufficiency, including self-defense. Formerly a full professor, he has a Ph.D. in Psychology and now works as a senior consultant living on a horse ranch in rural Indiana.  Feel free to follow him on Instagram @TacticalPhD.

Is More Always Better?  A Review of High-Capacity Magazines for Glocks

Capacity often seems to be the equivalent of location in real estate with new handgun releases often including higher capacity magazines or listing larger capacity as one of the main selling points. But does capacity truly make a difference? Let's take a look.

How Many Magazines Are Enough?  An Examination of Extra AR-15 Mags

Can you have too many magazines? The most common answer is no. But most people have finite resources to devote to self-defense and firearms. What is the reasonable balance? Let's look at it from a few angles.

Semi-Automatic Rounds in a Revolver? A Skeptical Velocity Test

Do you get more power shooting a semi-automatic round from a revolver vs. a 1911? We put it to the test. Here are the results.

All Joke Memes Aside: When the Assailant is Armed and You Are Not

I will honestly admit I find the short films created on the internet showing an instructor demonstrating a ‘gun to the head’ disarming technique in a class, spliced with someone trying the same technique in ‘real life’ resulting in them ending up in the afterlife to be very funny. However, there are three much deeper truths behind these funny videos.

History of the 187th Rakkasans

With five Presidential Unit (Army) Citations and many other awards, the 187th Rakkasans is one of the most decorated units in the U.S. Army.

DTI Vehicle Defense Class: A Return to Training with John Farnam

As senior instructors at Indy Arms Company, my wife and I make every effort to attend multiple training courses each year. Usually, we can attend with other senior instructors as well. As we continue to train, it has become less often that we find truly new information, techniques, or skills. But, there is always value […]

Lower Bore Handguns: A Review of the Arsenal Strike One

American Precision Arms has brought the Arsenal Strike One to the U.S. market, expanding low-bore access to a much wider audience of buyers.

10mm: A Historical and Ballistic Review

All indications suggest that the 10mm is here to stay and is making a comeback in civilian use. How does it compare to other rounds?

The Very Large and Very Small: S&W 500 and NAA Sidewinder

Across my handgun collection, the majority of my guns are semi-automatics. However, the largest and smallest handguns are both revolvers. Though about as different in purpose as two handguns can be, they share several key features as revolvers. Both have five-round cylinders, are traditional side swing-out loading revolvers, and are manufactured for a very specific […]

In the Land of AR Builds, What Is Worth the Price?

When it comes to AR builds, the sky is the limit on what you can do. Decide what specific use you have in mind for your personal rifle and start exploring the options.

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