GC-036 Rob Pincus Interview Part 1, Training and Trainers Series

This is the first half of a two part interview with Rob Pincus, I hope you enjoy.  You can find Rob and his work at http://www.icetraining.us/

GC-035 George Hill Interview Part 2, Training and Trainers Series

Here is the link to the Warhammer that George mentioned.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws5LbAQiYso

GC-034 George Hill interview Part 1, Training and Trainers Series

George and I hit it off from the get go, I hope you enjoy the back and fourth between us. Here is a link to the amazing folks at the Rohrbaugh forum that took care of me in a big way.  Again, thank you so much, your gift was right on time. http://www.rohrbaughforum.com/

GC-033 with Massad Ayoob and Gail Peppin, Training and Trainers Series

The Training and Trainers series is started off with an interview with Massad Ayoob and Gail Peppin representing the Massad Ayoob Group. About http://proarmspodcast.com/

GC-032 Question Show, Options On a Tight Budget

In this show I answered some listener email and announced the winner of the Sure Fire weapon light give away. There are details at the end of the show on how you can win a free Maxpedition Versipack Manta.

Gunfighter Cast Promo.

Probably a little late, but I figure its better late than never.

GC-031 Gear

In this episode I talked about gear and ways to set up your rig.  Particularly chest rigs and components. I also announced a raffle for a Sure Fire millennium series weapon light. All you have to do is send GC $10.00 to enter. I have four ladies T-Shirts to give away as well. Details in […]

GC-030 Episode 3 the Conclusion of the Anti-Terrorism Series

I covered Hotel, Home and family security and answered questions on painting gear and choosing a first handgun.

GC-029 Episode 2 of the Anti-Terrorism Series

In this commercial free episode, I talked about surveillance detection/reaction, Air travel, ground travel and general recognition/reporting of suspicious activity.

GC-028 Anti-Terrorism

Episode one of the Anti-Terrorism series. In this show I gave an overview of the series and touched on a few basic themes.

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